Lex Math Tutor

Premier, Personalized Mathematics Tutoring 

Private, Professional Math and Science Tutoring Service for Elementary School through Introductory University Courses.

Build skills and confidence by working one-on-one with a professional, certified tutor. Whether the student struggles with math and science or wants to do well on a standardized test, our tutors will work with you to do so.

Students who struggle often think it’s their fault or they can’t learn it. We’ve heard it before: I was never good at math. Science doesn’t make sense to me.

Most full-class instruction doesn’t account for how students think and learn. In a class of 20 or more students, it's difficult for a teacher to give your child the individualized attention they need. 

This is where Lex Math Tutor comes in. We help students with their homework and prepare for tests, figure out where “the block” is happening, explain concepts that make sense, and help them work through those blocks. 

Unlike national tutoring centers with pre-planned curriculums and two(or more)-on-one tutoring, we pride ourselves on our personalized, one-to-one model that prioritizes the student. Featuring Kentucky-certified educators, we offer quality instruction to support our learners.

Improve Grades

Poor grades can lead to conflict with parents, teachers, and even other students, and consistent tutoring is one of the most effective ways to help students improve academic achievement. By focusing on the specific challenges of each student, Lex Math Tutor provides the support necessary to help students improve their grades.

Improve Confidence

Grades and test scores are essential, but what we value at Lex Math Tutor is improving students’ self-confidence. When students experience success in learning, they feel more confident and capable overall. Students who participate in tutoring learn to ask questions, problem solve, and develop self-efficacy – a skill necessary for building confidence in complex subjects!

Improve Comprehension

Difficulties in mathematics typically stem from issues of math fluency. Lex Math Tutor uses precise mathematics vocabulary. Understanding math starts by creating a solid foundation to build on later concepts.

Improve Test Scores

We know there’s a lot of pressure on students to complete AP classes and earn high scores on the SAT and ACT. We can ease that pressure by focusing on the types of questions on these exams, methods to work through the problems, and strategies for completing the tests.

Math ACT Training